Saturday, 29 February 2020

Dreaming of connection

FB, when 'friends' were people I knew, people who are close, then I could reach out, but its not anymore its too public and I do not know the security controls I crave actual closeness, not all alone sitting in front of a screen pretending closeness.
'I want to disconnect completely from digital world.' he says. But so much of the way the world is, relies on it. A necessary part of life now, 'but my body is not designed for this.' Its like we are all agreeing that digital communication is only ever partial. So I collude with system in confirming my own idiocy, The reality is I sit here at 3am imagining I am communicating but actually firing desperation to strangers who I will never meet
But maybe I can draw a line between situation where I am using digital tools for necessary communication and completion of creative acts- journal, writing,  but not letting my attention get drawn onto incomplete acts, or things over which I have no power

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