Tuesday, 17 March 2020


The streets are strangely deserted. Feels like Christmas. I'd just like to say that in the last 24 hours I have received no less than 5 completely different remedies for coronavirus. I am no scientist, I am no doctor , I am no conspiracy theorist but when i read the number of cases worldwide and people saying there is no cure I am tempted to doubt the curative powers of these remedies and feel it is my public duty to withhold information on them unless I get ill in which case I'm sure I will try them all and report back about which one works. Stay strong everybody. I recommend a mixture of .. Apologies if I have offended anyone who sent me a remedy. the desire to help your friends get better has to be a GOOD THING but if a cure comes my way this easily... Am I just being agrouch? ("oh thats Ok the virus doesn't like grouchiness...")