Wednesday, 7 August 2019


I  was so happy when work and love took me to the US. I fell in love and stayed there for some years.  Maybe it’s naive of me and being an apolitical creature, I was not really bothered. But now I am. Now it is behaving just as small minded as any other of the older western democracies that people fled from to find their dream and freedom. It’s increasingly redundant in the modern world, tightening, tightening, tightening. Paranoid, perceiving potential enemies every where, with its antiquated crazy gun laws and it’s old colonial nationalistic feel closing its borders, paranoid about foreigners all those things which America used to stand against are like cancerous growths growing on an old body, racist, bigoted, looking away from the rest of the world. The good people increasingly marginalised and dare not speak their mind so they get on with their lives and hope things are going to change, the critical people are bullied as unpatriotic. 
I hope I'm being overdramatic. Maybe this a blip until the next election when the US will balance itself. Let’s hope so. Mind you, I’m from Brexit UK, so I've got no excuse ... 
It makes me ilI to thinking about it makes me ill. I resent the distraction.  I’m just going to wear my new hat. It fits me. I I like it

Thursday, 1 August 2019

PC or pragmatic?

TooPC? or pragmatic?

Pragmatism vs principle?
There was a report of Boris in N.Ireland yesterday of  a council member who didn't recognise the Queen and who found honouring the British State offensive so they paid him to walk past the queen's portrait in the house. This was quoted by some as the height of PC stupidity. But if it resulted in easing the tensions in NI and helped save lives  and end violence then it was not ' PC gone mad' but pragmatic. If PC happens in an ivory tower its an intelllectual exercise then maybe its criticisable and in some cases extreme- but if it eases his way to work where things get dealt with then why  not?
 how close to the conflict, how close to the reality it addresses, is it?